How to export android studio project to a phone
How to export android studio project to a phone

Also you can set the Minimum android API Level.

  • From that player Settings pane, you can edit or update the Company Name, Product Name, Icon, cursor, Build Identifier and other such Game components and APK player settings.
  • how to export android studio project to a phone

    You will see a new set of options come out of the Inspector Pane

  • Then, click on the Player Settings button of the Build Settings window.
  • You can do this by dragging those scenes and dropping them inside the Scene In Build location. unity files into the Scene In Build Pane of Build Settings window, that has popped up.
  • Now, you have to go to - Files → Build Settings Ctrl + Shift + B.
  • Also set the JDK Location as well, by clicking the browse button - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25.
  • You have to select the SDK Android Location, by clicking the Browse button.
  • Now, go to Edit → Preferences → External Tools.
  • It is also must to have the JDK as well.
  • If you don't have the Android SDK, then you can download it from.
  • First of all you must have the Android SDK.
  • The different steps to export an android build game in Unity are:
  • RigidBody Movement: velocity and AddForce().
  • how to export android studio project to a phone how to export android studio project to a phone

    Prefab Instantiation with preset Properties.

    How to export android studio project to a phone