Neil young spotify.
Neil young spotify.

neil young spotify. neil young spotify.

Streaming services can shut down unexpectedly. Movies are removed from online libraries. What a time to be alive! But that promise comes with peril: The availability of all that stuff depends entirely on the whims and desires of big digital corporations. We've never had so much art and information at our fingertips. The promise of digital media has always been that much of the world's best music, movies, and literature can be available to you in an instant. But it's a great reminder of the value of physical media in the digital age: Listeners who own copies of Young's music on CD or vinyl can still listen to it today just as well as they did last week. More than 60 percent of his streaming audience came from the service. Young has taken a laudable stance that also sucks for many of his fans. "They can have Rogan or Young," Young wrote in an open letter earlier this week. His music has disappeared from the streaming service, gone because Young objected to sharing a platform with the anti-vaxxer musings of podcaster Joe Rogan. It's not a great day to be a Neil Young fan with a Spotify account. Illustrated | AP Images, iStock, Screenshot/Spotify

Neil young spotify.